Sunday 7 November 2010

Q Front Cover

Masthead – One of the main features of the magazine. Ties in well with the main image because the image is of a musician smashing things up with a guitar, and the masthead has been given the effect to look like it has been broken in to pieces.

Fonts – There are 2 different fonts. One is big and bold, to grab your attention from what else is happening on the front cover and the other is to

Colours – There seems to be a certain house style throughout the front cover which is White, Red and Grey. These are usually the main colours on each of the magazine issues.

Pull Quotes – 'I Bought 50 Tins of Beans and an Axe'  this quote is quite a bizarre quote fromt he main feature, and the caption underneath describes him as being out of control, so the quote fits in nicely with this because it is a quote thats is describing him as being out of control.

Main Image – Also ties in with the star being out of control because he is pictured trying to smash things up with a guitar, whic is quite an out of control 'Rockstar' thing to do.

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