Sunday, 14 November 2010

NME Front Cover

Masthead - Bold Font,Red.LargeFont.
Image - Reprsents 'Rocks Messisest Bust-Ups', the main feature of the front cover and the magazine. The image is of oasis, the jackets that the brothers have been photographed in match the house style, which is red and black.
Cover Lines - Large bold font, spread out across the front cover. The bold font can perhaps represent the characters that are Noel&Liam gallagher (oasis) - they come across as quite bold/confindent/cocky people. The cover lines feature the names of some specific artists that are featured in the magazine, which will target a specific audience because if soemone sees the magazine in a shop and notices that one of their favourite bands are featured in the magazine, they are most likely to buy the magazine.

The colours that have been used are pretty much the main colours that represent NME (red/white/black), so thorugh outthe front cover you can kind of tell that it is an NME frontcover because of the colours and the font also that has been used.

Some of the words that have been used seem to be targeting the magazine audience as young people and people who are fans of rock music. Words such as 'dude' have been used, and you associate the word 'dude' with young people. The fact that the main artocle is 'Rocks messiest bust up's' targets people who like to listen to rock music because it features rock bands, bands that the specific audience would be interested in reading about.

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