Sunday 14 November 2010


On the second page of the DPS, it is an image of the band, this has been used so that the reader knows who the article is focused on. The article is portraying the band as being quite strange and out of place and the image used agrees with the theme becausein the picture that has been used the band are  holding guitars the wrong way up and they are pulling quite serious facial expressions,which are quite strange things to do  so the image is helping to display the band .in the light that the magazine wants to focus on.

The pull quote that has been used also fits in well with teh theme because it is a member of the band calling them a 'band of misfits' - misfits being a word to describe someone as not fitting in and being quite strange.

A drop cap has been used - (where the first letter of the first word is huge) to grab the readers attention. The drop cap is one of the first features that you notice so it helps in wanting to make the reader read on.

The tone in which the journalist is writing in is to capture teh attention of a younger audience because some of the words used, such as 'misfits' could be described as slang, which an older audience perhap wouldnt really understand what some of the words mean. 

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